CA affirms conviction of Burnham kidnappers

Gracia Burnham

MANILA, Philippines - The Court of Appeals (CA) has affirmed the conviction of Abu Sayyaf bandits for the kidnapping of American tourist Gracia Burnham and 19 others, including businessman Reghis Romero, in Palawan in 2001. 

In an 82-page decision released recently, the fifth division of the appellate court upheld the verdict handed down by a Pasig City court on 11 of 85 accused in the kidnapping for ransom cases.               

The CA held that the trial court was correct in imposing the penalty of 20 counts of reclusion perpetua or imprisonment of 30 to 40 years. 

It also ordered the accused to pay all the victims damages in the total amount of P5.2 million.    

The CA junked the appeal filed by nine accused identified as Bar Ismael, Bashier Ordoez, Sonny Asali, Margani Iblong Hapilon, Radzmar Sangkula, Kamar Ilias Ismael Jaafar, Guillermo Salcedo, Haber Akimuddin Asari and Tuting Hannoh.     

Associate Justice Leoncia Real-Dimagiba penned the ruling.        

The petitions of two more accused – Alzen Jandul and Daud Baru – were also dismissed by the appellate court due to technicality.

The 11 appellants were among the 23 accused who underwent trial in connection with the Dos Palmas kidnapping.

Abu Sayyaf bandits led by Abu Ahmad Salayuddin alias Abu Sabaya and Khadaffy Janjalani raided the Dos Palmas resort on May 27, 2001 and took 20 persons hostage, among them guests and resort employees. Among those kidnapped was Burnham and her husband Martin, who was later killed in a rescue operation.

Romero and several others were released on June 2, 2001 in Lamitan, Basilan after payment of ransom, while Burnham was rescued by the military a year later in Sirawai, Zamboanga del Norte. 

An initial ransom of P15 million was paid for Burnham, but she was not released because the bandits demanded $1 million.

Abu Sabaya and Janjalani were charged in court, but were later killed in separate military operations.

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