UNA picks on Drilon, Mar

MANILA, Philippines - Senatorial and local bets from the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) picked on administration allies Sen. Franklin Drilon and Interior Secretary Mar Roxas during their campaign sortie in Iloilo City yesterday.

They criticized the not-so outstanding performance of Drilon and Roxas in Iloilo and Capiz, respectively during the 2010 presidential elections. Iloilo and Capiz are known bailiwicks of the Liberal Party.

UNA senatorial bet Mitos Magsaysay, whose grandmother is the first cousin of Roxas’ grandfather, said that a number of their relatives have shied away from supporting Roxas.

She said Vice President Jejomar Binay won in Capiz, which is touted as “Roxas country,” in the last elections.

Iloilo Rep. Augusto Syjuco, meanwhile, said Drilon has no hold over Ilonggo voters.                          


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