4 killed in Sabah

MANILA, Philippines - Fresh fighting in Sabah left four people, including two children, dead yesterday, the Malaysia’s The Star Online reported.

Another boy and a Malaysian soldier were also wounded in the gunfight between Malaysian forces and followers of the Sulu sultan at 9:30 a.m. in Tanjung Batu. The identities of the slain men and the boy could not be determined as of last night.

Malaysian Armed Forces chief Tan Sri Zulkifeli Zin told a press conference that the wounded boy was with four men in a house when security forces and gunmen exchanged fire for several minutes.

Security forces had earlier chased a suspect into a house where packets of food and water were found after the shooting.

The identity of the boy and the four slain men could not be determined as of press time.

Zulkifeli said the Malaysian soldier who was shot in left side of his body is undergoing treatment.

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