(UPDATE) Phl gov't condemns cyberattacks between Phl, Malaysian hackers

MANILA, Philippines (Xinhua) - The Philippine government condemned today the exchange of cyberattacks between Filipino and Malaysian hackers as violence erupted in Sabah between Malaysian forces and a group of Filipinos claiming ownership of the resource-rich territory.

Filipino and Malaysian hackers swapped attacks over the weekend, defacing websites of government and private institutions from both countries.

Foreign Affairs Spokesman Raul Hernandez asked hackers from the two countries to stand down.

"We condemn all cyber attacks regardless which sides are coming from," Hernandez said. "We call on both Filipino and Malaysian citizens to be more responsible and encourage dialogue rather than discord."

Malaysia and some 180 followers of Filipino Sultan Jamalul Kiram III have been engaged in a deadly standoff since Feb. 12.  

The group sailed to the coastal town of Lahad Datu in Sabah from Southern Mindanao to resettle and fortify their claim in the area, which they said rightfully belongs to the sultanate.

Malaysia on Tuesday launched airstrikes on the coastal town of Lahad Datu in Sabah where the Filipinos have been holed up to end the standoff that has killed at least 23 Filipinos and eight Malaysian police.  


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