‘Stop politicizing Filipino-Malaysian conflict’

MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Franklin Drilon appealed yesterday to all sectors to stop politicizing the conflict between the Sultanate of Sulu and the Malaysian government, and consider the welfare of at least 800,000 Filipinos living in Sabah.

The administration coalition Team PNoy said politics has nothing to do with the government’s warning to the royal army of Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III to surrender unconditionally. 

It said the government is leaving it up to diplomatic channels to resolve the issue.  In a press briefing held at the new headquarters of Team PNoy, Drilon called on all parties, particularly the political opponents of the administration, to stop the rhetoric and allow the President and his men to address properly the situation in Sabah.

“Let us not jeopardize the safety, security and livelihood of 800,000 Filipinos in Sabah by issuing reckless and incendiary statements. Let’s not muddle an already complicated situation,” he said.

Former President Joseph Estrada, one of the pillars of the opposition United Nationalist Alliance (UNA), said the President must protect the Filipino children and women in Sabah.

Estrada said the President should make representations with the diplomatic corps of Malaysia for the safety of the Filipinos there. 

Drilon, who serves as campaign manager for Team PNoy, scored the opposition for criticizing the way the government is handling the Sabah crisis. He pointed out that one candidate has even called the LP (Liberal Party) as “Losing Philippines.”  Even Aquino’s attendance in a campaign sortie in San Fernando, Pampanga did not escape the opposition’s critical eyes, because it happened during the initial burst of gunfire between the sultanate royal army and Malaysian authorities.  Drilon said the President has always been on top of the situation and was constantly monitoring developments in Sabah.         

According to Drilon, the priority is still the welfare of Filipinos caught in the firefight that ensued following the standoff.

He said the administration is doing its best to come up with solutions favorable to everybody.

Reports have indicated that one of the reasons Kiram decided to send his followers to Sabah was to respond to Malaysia’s deportation of Filipinos.               

However, Drilon said Kiram’s move only intensified the deportation. “We don’t know the purpose of Sultan Kiram, but if that is his purpose, he is achieving the opposite,” he said.           

Team PNoy spokesman Marikina City Rep. Romero Quimbo said the Sabah dispute is a delicate issue which should be handled properly.

Quimbo clarified that it is Team PNoy that is following the schedule of the President, and not the other way around. – Marvin Sy, Christina Mendez, Helen Flores, Jose Rodel Clapano, Mike Frialde, Delon Porcalla, Paolo Romero






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