Siman kin to P-Noy: We’re your supporters

Family members grieve during the burial of alleged jueteng lord Vic Siman at the Holy Family Memorial Park in Calamba, Laguna yesterday. Top photo shows Interior Secretary Mar Roxas and PNP chief Director General Alan Purisima turning over the fact-finding team’s report on the Quezon shootout to NBI Director Nonatus Rojas. JOVEN CAGANDE/ BOY SANTOS

MANILA, Philippines - Relatives of alleged jueteng lord Vic Siman have a message for President Aquino: they are his supporters, and they are grateful for an ongoing probe into the killing of 13 men by security forces in Quezon last Jan. 6.

Siman, reportedly the principal target of the joint police-military operation, was buried yesterday afternoon at the Holy Family Memorial Park in Barangay Lecheria in this city.

Last Saturday, the family also buried at the Catholic church here three other fatalities in the shooting incident in Atimonan, including Siman’s cousins Gerry Siman and Victorino Siman Atienza Jr. and driver Carlito Cedillo.

The Simans are preparing legal action against members of the police-military contingent in the shooting incident, which PNP investigators have described as a rubout.

Speaking to journalists yesterday, Siman’s father Rudy, 71, said in Filipino, “Convey to President Aquino our gratitude, and that we are his supporters.”

He said he was satisfied with the progress of the probe, now spearheaded by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).

Other members of the family, all wearing white, declined to speak to the media.

A long line of mourners from three barangays disembarked from a convoy of vehicles as the casket bearing Siman was unloaded from a white car and brought to its final resting place.

The mourners described Siman as a generous man and denied police accusations that he ran a ring of hired guns.

Rudy Siman said he was organizing a family meeting to discuss their legal action against the security forces involved in the incident.

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