Incoming PNP chief wants competent, disciplined cops

MANILA, Philippines - Incoming Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Deputy Director General Alan Purisima wants the 154,000-strong police force to be competent in their assigned tasks.

Purisima is set to replace Director General Nicanor Bartolome in a simple turnover ceremony at Camp Crame today, to be attended by President Aquino.

Purisima said one of the five-point programs he would implement  under his watch is to bring the PNP closer to the Filipino people.

Aside from competence, he said he would also discipline and professionalize the PNP, urge its members to excel in public service, and impose organizational development from within to improve the welfare of policemen.

Under his leadership, Purisima said the PNP would embark on a massive training program to develop policemen’s skills so they would be adept in the jobs assigned them.

“The policemen should have proper training relevant to their assigned tasks. A policeman cannot be an investigator if he has no proper training as an investigator. He should not be a beat patroller or a member of the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team if he is not armed with  proper training,” he said.

As director of the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO), Purisima started training policemen in Metro Manila on investigation and SWAT courses. Thousands of them have graduated and are performing their tasks at a higher level.

He vowed to instill discipline in the police force and warned that those involved in “kotong” or extortion and other criminal activities would be out of the service.

“I’m giving erring policemen a chance to mend their ways. But if they continue doing their illegal activities under my watch, they better watch out as I will not hesitate to sack them,” he said.

Purisima said he wanted policemen to extend extra hours attending to complaints from the  public and leave only when the problem has been solved.

In the past, he said it would take at least a month for policemen to have their leave applications approved. He vowed to do away with this practice.

“As part of the PNPs organizational development, I want the leave applications of policemen shortened so they can enjoy it the soonest possible time,” he said.

President Aquino is expected to arrive at Camp Crame at around 10 a.m., along with Interior Secretary Mar Roxas and other government officials.

Bartolome agreed to retire today, three months before he turns 56, the mandatory retirement age for police and military personnel. – Cecille Suerte Felipe



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