Erap backs GMA's treatment abroad

MANILA, Philippines -  Former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo should be allowed to seek medical treatment abroad, former President Joseph Estrada said yesterday.

Estrada told The STAR that the International Police (Interpol) could track down Arroyo should she try to hide abroad as feared by some people in the Aquino administration.

Estrada cited his own case when the Sandiganbayan special division allowed him to undergo knee surgery in Hong Kong.

On Dec. 27, 2004 his personal doctor, Christopher Mow, flew to Hong Kong to do the surgery.

“There were four policemen from the Philippine National Police (PNP) sent in addition to the three or so Hong Kong policemen assigned to guard me,” Estrada recalled.

“Like her, I had titanium implanted in both knees. In GMA’s case, she had titanium in her cervix spine that loosened up. I could just imagine the pain she’s going through now, like when she reportedly choked even while just eating,” he shared.

“It’s a very painful procedure, especially after the effect of anesthesia wore off. I called on all the saints, but none of them answered,” he added.

Estrada returned to the country on Jan. 15, 2005 and continued his therapy at his rest house in Tanay, Rizal. He can now walk without a limp.

Estrada also admitted undergoing stem cell treatment in Germany recently. The procedure was in preparation for his mayoralty bid in Manila against re-electionist Mayor Alfredo Lim in the midterm elections next year.

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