Most Pinoys back K+12 - SWS poll

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Education (DepEd)’s ambitious Kindergarten to 12 (K+12) basic education curriculum program is getting more support from the public.

A Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey conducted from March 10 to 13 showed that more than half of Filipinos or 65 percent believe that the program will give students more sufficient knowledge and preparation for college and work compared to those who finished only 10 years of basic education.

The March poll result was way above the 59 percent result in June 2011, 63 percent in September 2011, and 57 percent in December 2011.

Respondents who believe in the program rose by 15 percentage points in Metro Manila, from 53 percent to 68 percent; by 12 points in the Visayas, from 49 percent to 61 percent; and by eight points in balance Luzon, from 58 percent to 66 percent.

The same survey revealed that 61 percent believe more students will finish K+12 senior high school because graduates will be better prepared for work, higher education, and business even with the additional cost and number of years in high school.

Moreover, 59 percent believe more students will finish senior high school under the K+12 because it is equivalent to two years of college or post secondary courses at a high school rate.

The SWS survey used face-to-face interviews of 1,200 adults in Metro Manila, balance Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao.

Education Secretary Armin Luistro said the results of the survey will further inspire education officials to realize the goals of the K+12 program.

Public school teachers and militant student groups had earlier aired strong opposition to the program.

“I am thankful for the efforts of the pioneers in educational reform who shared our vision as well as the countless champions of parents, teachers and students who helped in our advocacy to explain the long-term benefits of K+12 which will surely far outweigh the short-term sacrifices,” Luistro said.

“DepEd will continue to work hard to ensure that its (K+12) implementation will be better and less painful for stakeholders in the succeeding years,” he said.

“We will never cease to reach out and explain to others who remain skeptical or cautious about K+12,” he added.

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