Avoid sun exposure, DOH tells rallyists

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Health (DOH) advised yesterday participants in today’s Labor Day celebration to avoid too much exposure to the sun.

Dr. Eduardo Janairo, director of DOH for Metro Manila, urged rallyists and government forces not to let themselves be exposed to extreme heat or they may suffer from dehydration or heat stroke.

“If possible, don’t bring people from extreme ages – the young ones and the old ones – because they are the ones who easily get dehydrated,” he said.

He said it would be better for both the rallyists and policemen to bring their own water to avoid getting dehydrated.

“It is also better if they (rallyists) can wear light colored clothes because dark colors like black and red can absorb heat. Meanwhile, for the policemen who will be wearing their uniforms, if possible, they should avoid wearing undershirt which can absorb the sweat,” he added.

Janairo also warned rallyists who would be bringing their own food that some foods easily get spoiled during summer.

“If they think the food has an unusual taste, they should not eat it anymore or they may suffer from food poisoning. But they should also be careful if they buy street food because they are not sure how it was prepared and cooked,” he said.

Various labor groups are expected to stage protest actions in today’s commemoration of Labor Day, to call for an increase in their salaries in the wake of soaring costs of commodities and services in the country.

In Baguio City, Michael Cabangon, Anakpawis regional coordinator, again stressed the need for a legislated P125 across-the-board wage hike nationwide.

“After decades of receiving measly wage hikes from the regional wage boards, the Filipino workers and people need a significant wage hike, which is only possible through legislation. Such a wage increase will help us cope with the increases in the prices of basic goods and services,” he said.

The issue on contractualization is also among the pressing issues in Philippine labor, the labor leader said. 

“After decades of suffering from this pest of an employment scheme, workers and the poor are calling for the junking of the contractualization system. We have had enough of lower wages, almost absence of benefits, lack of job security, and denial of labor rights. This important tool of capitalist exploitation should be junked,” he said.

Cabangon also cited other issues that need to be addressed, including a big-time rollback in the prices of petroleum products. – With Artemio Dumlao

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