Students think Corona must quit - poll

MANILA, Philippines - Most students in five universities polled by a group distrust Chief Justice Justice Renato Corona, with majority of them saying Corona was no longer fit to lead the judiciary.

Defying the criticism of Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago, who disapproved of a similar survey held previously, the Student Council Alliance of the Philippines on Monday released the results of another poll. SCAP leaders said the survey was guaranteed by their freedom of expression.

Gibby Gorres, SCAP national secretary general, also said the poll is excluded from the sub judice rule, which prohibits the discussion of the merits of a case outside the court, because the group is not a party to the impeachment case.

The latest round of the survey included Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University, Ateneo de Davao University, University of the East-Manila and the Tarlac State University

"The survey was conducted to gauge the interest and satisfaction of the students concerning the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Corona," said Kristine Baguio, SCAP deputy spokesperson.

Of the five schools, four expressed distrust of Corona (DLSU - 69.3 percent, UE - 77 percent, TSU - 75.4 percent and ADDU- 78.3 percent). At the ADMU, 41 percent distrust Corona.

Most of the students of these schools also think that Corona should quit (DLSU - 63 percent, UE - 56.4 percent, TSU - 76.8 percent, and ADDU - 76.7 percent). Again, at the ADMU, 45 percent say they think Corona should no longer remain in office.

Participated in by 2010 students (ADMU, 410 students; DLSU, 300; UE-Manila, 500; ADDU, 300; and TSU, 500), the poll was held between March 11 and March 25.

"We had to consider the impact that the evidence presented in the impeachment trial had on the trust of the youth especially because the trial is also a political process that the youth have a stake in," Baguio said.

Gorres said that in the ADMU survey, most students are still undecided.

"This should serve as a challenge to Corona to come clean. We reiterate our call to the chief justice to open his dollar accounts, take a leave of absence and testify before the impeachment court," Gorres said. "The long break in the trial is a great opportunity for the chief justice to think through whatever decision he will make in relation to his impeachment trial.”

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