Witness told to submit Corona SALN

MANILA, Philippines – Presiding Senator-Judge Juan Ponce Enrile told Supreme Court Clerk of Court Enriqueta Vidal to submit the Statement Asset and Liabilities and Networth (SALN) of Chief Justice Renato Corona at the impeachment court.

This despite the persistent statement of  Vidal that she will only disclose the copies of the SALN pending directive of the Supreme Court.

Vidal pointed out that she was only the keeper of records but has no right to disclose the documents based on the May 2, 1989 SC en banc resolution.

“It is not within my competence, it is within the court,” Vidal said, adding she don't have any discretion to decide for herself.

Meantime, the prosecution panel got series of warning of asking leading questions to Vidal, being their first witness on the impeachment proceeding against Chief Justice Renato Corona.

This after prosecution lawyer Mario Bautista attempted to cross-examine Vidal.

"You're tending to impeach your own witness. She is not a hostile witness," Enrile told Bautista.

"If you want to cross-examine her, you declare her as hostile witness," the Senate President added.

The prosecution team successfully pushed to tackle Article 2 (on alleged ill-gotten wealth) of Impeachment first, leaving behind Article 1 (on midnight appointment).

In his opening statement, prosecutor Niel Tupas Jr. asked Presiding Senator-Judge Juan Ponce Enrile to give the prosecution team the flexibility in tackling whatever article they would want to discuss.

"The position of the prosecution that we may given the flexibility in presenting the evidence," Tupas said.

The prosecution wanted to present their evidence in the following order – Article 2 (SALN issue), Article 1 (on midnight appointment), Article 7 (on temporary restraining order).

After it, Tupas said they will inform the court of what would be the next article they would want to discuss.

Also summoned in today’s hearing were city assessors and register of deeds from the cities of Quezon, Makati, Marikina, Pasay, Taguig and Paranaque.

On top of the 13 individuals, the Senate has also summoned nine personnel from the Office of the President, Office of the Vice President, and Bureau of Internal Revenue.

On Tuesday, the Senate postponed the proceeding after the prosecution failed to concur that their computer generated pieces of evidence were authentic.

This after the team failed to present witnesses on the Article 1 of the eight Articles of Impeachment.

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