Retired justices seek special allowances

MANILA, Philippines - A group of retired justices of the Court of Appeals (CA) yesterday filed a petition at the Supreme Court (SC) in their bid to collect from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) special allowances covering their retirement gratuities and terminal leave benefits.

In a five-page petition, the Association of Retired Court of Appeals Justices Inc., led by retired Associate Justice Teodoro Regino, accused respondent Budget Secretary Florencio Abad of willfully withholding the release of their salary increases and special allowances for retired justices (SAJ) since January.

They alleged that the DBM has violated its mandate under Article VIII Section 3 of the Constitution to automatically and regularly release the necessary funding for their SAJ allowances.

“We’re tired of begging already for what’s just rightful for us,” Regino told reporters upon filing of their petition.

Petitioners lamented that they had to seek the help and assistance of the presiding justice of the CA and chief justice of the SC for the immediate release by respondent of their salary increases under RA 9946 (SAJ law) and of the unpaid balances for the past 10 months.

Despite the SC’s May 4, 2010 order directing the DBM to issue the necessary special allotment release order (SARO) and the corresponding notice of cash allocation (NCA) to cover funding requirements for the SAJ of petitioners, Abad has refused to release the funds.

The retired justices added that after long and faithful service rendered to the country, most of their members are now octogenarians and in declining health.

The group also accused Abad of violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act by purportedly giving an unwarranted benefit, advantage or preference in the discharge of his official duty.                               

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