PAF denies helicopter in Sulu shot down by Sayyaf

MANILA, Philippines - Philippine Air Force (PAF) spokesman Lt. Col. Miguel Okol yesterday denied that the helicopter that crashed in Sulu last Saturday was shot down by the Abu Sayyaf.

“There is no truth to any reports, if there are, that the aircraft was shot down. The aircraft accident investigation board is now investigating the matter and will submit its findings as soon as possible,” Okol said.

Three soldiers were killed and another was wounded last Saturday after a PAF combat helicopter crash-landed in the village of Panglayahan in Patikul town.

Previous reports identified the fatalities as Capt. Omar Antepuesto, the main pilot and crew Sgt. Maximo Orquina and A1C Rannie Solis.

The helicopter took off from Camp Bautista in Jolo on a re-supply mission to the 6th Marine Battalion Landing Team in Patikul.

The aircraft’s engine reportedly malfunctioned, prompting the pilots to implement a precautionary landing.

The 3rd Air Division has grounded all UH-1H aircraft while the military are investigating the cause of the incident.

The crash happened weeks after the Commission on Audit (COA) reported that PAF only has 31 aging airplanes and 54 helicopters in its inventory.

In a 2010 report, COA said only 91 of the 339 aircraft in PAF’s inventory are full mission-capable, 81 are inactive and the rest are for disposal.

An article posted on the website of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) yesterday claimed that the Abu Sayyaf was responsible for the crash.

“An Abu Sayyaf Group’s rainbow fire had downed one Philippine Air Force helicopter in Patikul town in Sulu province yesterday (Oct. 1),” reads the article posted on, which is being maintained by the MILF Central Committee on Information.

Citing reports from Patikul, the article said there were sounds of automatic ground fire from undetermined locations before the helicopter crashed.

“However, an independent verification of the real cause of the crash is not yet possible as of press time,” the article written by a certain Hasan Hattab said.

The article described a rainbow shot as an eight-layer shot using at least eight rifles firing simultaneously at eight different layers.

“Patikul, a known bailiwick of the Abu Sayyaf, has been the site of numerous clashes between government forces and the group,” the article read.

The Abu Sayyaf is an armed group connected with the international terror cells al-Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah. The group was involved in numerous high profile kidnapping and bombing incidents.

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