Navy chief OKs filing of charges vs Marine who made ouster video

MANILA, Philippines - Navy chief Vice Adm. Alexander Pama has approved the filing of charges against retired Marine Col. Generoso Mariano, who allegedly called for the ouster of the government in a video message posted on the Internet. 

Navy spokesman Lt. Col. Omar Tonsay said Pama approved last Aug. 12 the recommendation of a Navy investigating committee tasked to probe the spreading of Mariano’s video message.

Tonsay said the committee had recommended that the former Marine officer be charged for violating Articles of War 91 (provoking speeches), 63 (disrespect towards the president) and 96 (conduct unbecoming of an officer and gentleman), and then subjected to a pre-trial investigation.

“It (pre-trial investigation) will determine if the findings of the special investigation committee were sufficient. This is not yet a court-martial,” Tonsay said.

Under military regulations, a pre-trial investigation is conducted in preparation for a court-martial.

Tonsay said Mariano would remain restricted to his quarters while the probe is being conducted and would remain under military jurisdiction even if he has retired from the service.

“His (Pama) guidance is follow proper procedures, observe the rule of law and respect the rights of Colonel Mariano,” he added.

Copies of Mariano’s video message spread on the Internet last month after they were distributed to major camps and to reporters. The video circulated a few days before Mariano’s compulsory retirement last July 7.

In the video dated July 3, Mariano said the government could not find ways to eradicate the hunger and poverty being experienced by Filipinos.

“If the incumbent government has no intention or has failed to save the lives of the majority, it is the duty, it is the right of every Filipino including soldiers to replace the government,” he said in the video. 

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