CBCP exec admits some priests support RH bill

MANILA, Philippines -  Despite the staunch opposition of the Catholic Church to the Reproductive Health (RH) bill, there are some priests who support it, a bishop disclosed yesterday.  “Well, in the Church, there’s a space for dissent also... Even the 10 commandments, there are many who disobey it, right?” said Pampanga Archbishop

Paciano Aniceto, chairman of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines Episcopal Commission on Family and Life, in an interview.

He said these priests have not openly voiced their support for the bill but bishops are aware of their positions.   

“We leave it to their conscience. We respect that. But majority are not in favor. I think, in their own moral and theological discernment, we should respect them for that,” Aniceto said.

He said these priests are misguided or lack sufficient knowledge about the provisions of the bill. 

“If I were his bishop, I would remind him... perhaps he does not know the aspects of the RH bill. If given thorough explanation and the consequences of this and the effects of this, I think he will be able to change his judgment,” Aniceto said.

The CBCP, the strongest opponent of the bill, is not in favor of provisions in the bill promoting the use of artificial contraceptives.

The Catholic Church only supports the use of natural family planning methods.

President Aquino has reaped the ire of some Church leaders for his persistent campaign to approve the controversial measure in Congress.

Aquino had said he is willing to be excommunicated to prove his support for the bill.

The RH bill is still undergoing plenary debate at the House of Representatives.

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