Over 80,000 jobs available for students - DOLE

MANILA, Philippines - Here’s some good news for students in need of money to pursue their education.

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) yesterday reported that over 80,000 jobs in various government offices and commercial establishments are now available for poor but deserving high school and college students.

Nicon Fameronag, DOLE-Labor Communication Office (LCO) director, said employment would be available to young students as part of the government’s special program for employment of students (SPES).

“A total of 84,918 students would be employed for the entire 2011 and those who would be hired this summer vacation could already start reporting for work on Monday,” Fameronag said.

Fameronag said the Department of Education and Department of Science and Technology and local government units have allocated P32 million to hire 10,000 students this year.

He said persons employing less than 10 workers are allowed to hire poor but deserving students with ages ranging from 15 to 25 years.

College students and those enrolled in vocational and technical education could also be employed any time of the year or during the school break as long as they obtained passing grades during the school year.

Children of workers displaced due to business closure or work stoppage can also benefit from the program, Fameronag said.

He said poor students are identified as those whose parents’ combined income does not exceed the annual regional poverty threshold level for a family of six.

“Sixty percent of the daily minimum salary of the students will be paid by the employers and the remaining 40 percent by the DOLE through education vouchers,” Fameronag explained.

The students may be employed in activities related to their courses. They can also be hired to perform clerical work in both government and private firms.

“The objective of the program is to develop the intellectual capabilities of children from poor families as well as help them pursue their education by encouraging their employment,” Fameronag said.

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