'Ombudsman not defying Palace order'

MANILA, Philippines -  The Office of the Ombudsman clarified yesterday that it is not defying Malacañang’s order dismissing Deputy Ombudsman Emilio Gonzalez III.

“There is no intention to be defiant. We can never be defiant of the President of the Republic of the Philippines,” said Assistant Ombudsman and spokesperson Jose de Jesus Jr.

He said that in deferring the implementation of the dismissal order, they were merely following the proper dismissal procedure.

De Jesus said the Office of the Ombudsman will “act appropriately” afterwards, considering that even Malacañang recognizes the legal options available to Gonzalez.

“H’e’s a lawyer and he knows what is right and wrong,” De Jesus told The STAR when asked if Gonzalez would step down if the order becomes final and executory.

De Jesus earlier explained that the Office of the Ombudsman is allowing Gonzalez to handle the issue by either filing a motion for reconsideration or filing a petition either with the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court.

Last week, Malacañang ordered Gonzalez dismissed from government service for neglect of duty and grave misconduct in connection with the delay in the resolution of the case of slain hostage-taker Rolando Mendoza.                 

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