House leader blames Church for uncontrolled pregnancies in Phl

MANILA, Philippines - House Minority Leader Edcel Lagman blames the Church opposition to the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill for the uncontrolled pregnancies of many poor Filipino women.

Lagman, principal author of the RH Bill, said “unremitting” pregnancies can be considered “serious cases of violence against women.”

He also blamed the government for “procrastinating” on the passage of the bill, and the men who impose themselves on their partners without proper contraception.

A National Demographic and Health Survey showed that 11 women die daily from childbearing causes.

“This form of violence against women constitutes physical, psychological and financial violence which are punishable under Republic Act No. 9262 or the ‘Anti Violence Against Women and Their Children Act’,” he said.                            

Lagman said uncontrolled pregnancy is a form of physical violence because it causes health risks and may even cause death. It is likewise psychological violence because women may be driven to commit abortion because of the economic constraints in raising a child.

A study done by the University of the Philippines Population Institute showed that an average of 500,000 abortions are performed in the country every year.

“It is likewise financial violence because unremitting pregnancies prevent women from finishing their education and securing remunerative work for which reason they are condemned to financial subjugation,” Lagman said.

Last Friday, the Catholic leaders and pro-life groups held a rally with 40,000 followers at the Quirino Grandstand to oppose the passage of the RH bill in Congress.                           

Among the prominent personalities who joined the rally was boxing superstar and Sarangani Rep. Manny Pacquiao, a staunch oppositionist of the bill who believes the use of artificial contraceptives is a mortal sin.                           

“As a Catholic and God believer, I firmly believe that artificial birth control method is against the will of God,” he told The STAR. “Artificial birth control could not address the nation’s poverty and cannot cure our country’s economy. It is the rampant corruption in the government that should be eliminated.”                                                                                   

 A member of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, who requested anonymity, said the Catholic hierarchy actually misses former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, who supported their pro-life stance.

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