'Ligot received no visitor other than lawyer'

MANILA, Philippines - Apart from lawyers, former military comptroller Jacinto Ligot received no other visitors in his detention cell at the Senate following his arrest last Thursday evening.

Senate sergeant-at-arms Jose Balajadia said Ligot mostly kept to himself inside his small room and comes out occasionally for a few minutes to stretch and walk around at the parking area of the Senate.

Balajadia said he suggested to Ligot to walk around and stretch to keep his blood circulating.

Balajadia said Ligot’s experience in detention was quite different from the previous occupants of the windowless detention cell.

Balajadia was referring to former Presidential Commission on Good Government chairman Camilo Sabio and former Department of Agriculture undersecretary Jocelyn Bolante – both of them spent considerable time in detention after being cited for contempt by the Senate.

Balajadia explained the only visitors allowed to see Ligot are immediate members of his family, doctors and lawyers.

Though there were no windows, television or radio inside the room, Balajadia said Ligot made no special requests.

The former general was allowed a cellphone for emergencies and spends most of his time reading books and newspapers.

Balajadia stressed Ligot was not enjoying any special treatment and is being treated like any other “detainee” of the Senate.

Balajadia said Ligot was in good condition with his blood pressure at normal levels.

But Ligot’s blood sugar level became a concern because he was diabetic. Senate doctors had recommended a strict diet for Ligot.

Balajadia said Ligot has been giving himself the necessary insulin shots and Senate doctors are always available if ever he needs assistance.

Balajadia said Sabio spent most of his time at the Senate clinic because of his high blood pressure. Bolante, on the other hand, had been confined at a hospital.

Balajadia noted Ligot would be detained until such time that he cooperates with the Senate Blue Ribbon committee in its investigation on alleged corruption in the military.

Ligot and his wife Erlinda were cited in contempt by the committee after failing to attend last Thursday’s hearing.

The couple informed the Senate that they could not attend because of different medical conditions but this was debunked by the Senate doctors when they personally visited the Ligots.

Ligot was subsequently arrested by the Senate sergeant-at-arms last Thursday night but Erlinda was spared on humanitarian grounds.

Balajadia said Mrs. Ligot is free to visit her husband but that she has to go through the necessary security checks.

Blue Ribbon committee chairman Teofisto Guingona III has tentatively set the next hearing on Wednesday next week.

Guingona said the Ligots would be given another chance to answer all the questions of the senators and if they continue to invoke the right against self-incrimination, then Ligot would remain under custody.

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