UN adopts Phl resolution on interfaith dialogue

MANILA, Philippines - The United Nations General Assembly has adopted by consensus a Philippine-sponsored resolution on interfaith dialogue, moving further forward global efforts to achieve peace and development through a comprehensive strategy, the Philippine Mission to the United Nations in New York said yesterday.

In a report to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), Philippine Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Libran Cabactulan said the resolution, titled “Promotion on Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue,” was adopted by consensus by the 65th session of the General Assembly under the agenda item Culture of Peace.

The adoption was seen as a major step towards a “balanced global approach at addressing peace and development concerns” and as a recognition of the Philippines’ continuing key role as a “thought and action leader on interreligious and intercultural dialogue,” Cabactulan said in a statement following the adoption of the resolution.

He said the resolution brings to the fore the importance of a holistic approach to help solve the challenges to global peace and development we now face.

“The so-called ‘hard approach’ isn’t sufficient to bring peace for so long as there is suspicion, bigotry and extremism. These evils have to be addressed, and these are addressed through the important human dimensions of religion and culture,” Cabactulan said.

The Philippine-sponsored resolution includes the following key provisions:

• Emphasis on the importance of culture for development in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), as stated in the outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the 65th session of the General Assembly;

• Affirmation of the importance of sustaining the process of engaging all stakeholders, in particular women and the youth, in the interreligious and intercultural dialogue within the appropriate initiatives at the various levels;

• Welcoming the efforts made by the media to promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue and encouraging the further promotion of dialogue among the media.

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