Noli says he served the country well

MANILA, Philippines - Former vice president Noli de Castro said he had served the country faithfully and well, and has fulfilled his commitment when he took his oath of office on June 30, 2004.

De Castro said he had set his mind early on that the privileges of a vice president are temporary and he would begin what he called “political detoxification” as he goes back to being a private citizen.

“I will miss the title but I like it better when they call me Kabayan or Noli,” De Castro told The STAR when asked about things he would miss after six years as vice president.

“I experienced what is not given to ordinary people when I became vice president and senator. These are all temporary privileges.

Everyday I am thinking that it could be over in a little while,” the veteran radio and TV broadcaster said. “I’ll now begin political detoxification as I prepare to return to media.”

De Castro said he is proud of his performance and the housing programs he implemented as head of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC).

“Nobody can question my performance. I have done what others have not done like relocating 100,000 informal settlers. I am happy and proud of my accomplishments during my time (as vice president),” he said.

De Castro has decided to be a “full time” private citizen even if a Cabinet position under the new administration was raised during talks with people closely identified with President Aquino.

However, he was not aware if Mr. Aquino had knowledge of the offer.

He said it was an honor to be offered a position even if he was part of the Arroyo administration as he assured Mr. Aquino and Vice President Jejomar Binay of his support.

De Castro initiated the implementation of a Transition Management Plan to ensure the smooth turnover to the incoming officials in the government housing agencies.

As early as April, De Castro already created a Transition Team in the housing sector, led by HUDCC, to formulate and implement the Transition Management Plan, which includes preparation of reports on each shelter agency, including their mandate and functions, list of plantilla positions and nature of appointment of incumbents, programs and projects, resources, and accomplishments.

De Castro has also made the rounds of major housing projects, particularly the rail resettlement sites.

The Transition Plan also involves preparations for the transition activities, which include a series of briefings, and formal turnover ceremonies to the incoming officials.

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