Pope's Portugal trip a bid to move beyond scandal

PORTO, Portugal — Pope Benedict XVI wrapped up a trip to Portugal on Friday with an appeal to spread the faith, capping a pilgrimage marked by an explicit admission of church guilt in the clerical abuse scandal with a fresh bid to move beyond the crisis.

Benedict celebrated Mass on Friday in the northern city of Porto, his final stop in a four-day trip designed to boost the faithful in a country that is overwhelmingly Roman Catholic but where only about 20 percent of the people regularly go to church. Portugal’s north is its most conservative, staunchly Catholic region, and Benedict came to pay tribute to efforts by the local bishop to make the church a stronger presence in the country.

“We must get over the temptation of limiting ourselves with what we have, or think we have as surely ours,” Benedict said. “How much time has been lost, how much work has been pushed back because we didn’t pay attention to this?”

Authorities were preparing for 150,000-200,000 to attend Friday’s Mass, celebrated in front of city hall with Porto’s main avenue filled with flag-waving faithful shouting “Viva o papa!” On Thursday, some 400,000 pilgrims turned out for the spiritual highlight of Benedict’s trip, a Mass in the famous shrine city of Fatima on the anniversary of the day when three shepherd children reported visions of the Virgin.

Benedict dealt with the scandal head-on en route to Portugal, telling reporters on board the papal plane that the crisis was caused by the “sins within the church,” his most explicit admission of Church culpability to date. But Benedict moved on to other issues during his various speeches and homilies, which touched on the increasing secularization of Europe and the need to uphold traditional church teaching on key matters of life and family.

In Fatima, Benedict called abortion and same-sex marriage some of the most “insidious and dangerous” threats facing the world today.

Vatican officials cast the turnout in Fatima as evidence that Benedict had turned a page in weathering the abuse scandal, which has dogged him for months.

One issue Benedict didn’t address at length in any of his speeches or homilies was the European financial crisis and the crippling effect it is having in Portugal. During his visit, Prime Minister Jose Socrates announced tax hikes in a bid to allay market fears about its high level of debt.

The crisis is being felt acutely in Porto, known for its production of Portugal’s famous sweet port wine but perhaps more importantly as the hub of the country’s industrial north. Its traditional manufacturing sector, especially textiles and footgear, has declined over the past 20 years, putting many out of work.

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