JICA conducts disaster risk management training

KOBE, JAPAN – With the devastating earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters happening in different parts of the world, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has vowed to intensify its effort to educate people on disaster prevention, reduction and management.

As one of its action plans in 2010, JICA sponsored the 10-day Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Training for media men from all over the globe, including the Philippines.

An independent governmental agency, JICA is part of Japan’s official development assistance effort in providing technical cooperation, capital grants, and yen loans. The Philippines is one of the top recipients of its programs.

JICA chose The STAR as the only representative from the Philippines for the training held from Jan. 14 to 24. Members of the media from 11 countries are currently participating in the program.

JICA officials said the media play a vital role in mitigating the effects of natural disasters like earthquake, floods, fire and landslide by keeping the public informed of the situation.

Mishima Munehiro, program manager of the Japan International Cooperation Center, who graced the formal opening ceremony yesterday at the JICA headquarters in Hyogo here, led program participants in offering a minute of silence for Haiti quake victims.

He said the tragedy in Haiti was almost similar to the killer earthquake that brought Japan to its knees in 1995 when over 6,400 persons died.

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