Panlilio's group to select presidential bet by September

MANILA, Philippines – Pampanga Gov. Eduardo Panlilio said yesterday their group Kaya Natin Movement would select its presidential contender by September.

In a roundtable discussion in Manila, Panlilio said that considering the filing of the certificates of candidacy is only four months away or this November, his group would select its presidential candidate in two months.

“This September, we would decide if we would push through or not. We have set parameters as the basis for our decision,” he said.

He disclosed that they would hold a primary election within the group and it would be a choice between him and Isabela Gov. Grace Padaca.

“Whoever would be chosen, this should not lead to any fighting and that they should support the winner,” said the priest-on-leave.

Ifugao Gov. Teddy Baguilat Jr., also among the guests in yesterday’s forum, said, “we would meet and decide who has the bigger chance of winning.”

They have crafted a list of “parameters,” he said.

First, who is leading in the surveys; second, who has more resources; third, who has the machinery capable of a national campaign; and fourth, who has the determination to carry the campaign until 2010 or “who has the fire in the belly.”

Baguilat said they would also leave it up to their presidential contender to choose his running mate.

Panlilio had said that if he runs for president, he would prefer Padaca to be his vice presidential mate.

Since Easter Sunday, Panlilio has made himself available for any position, and it was just a question of whether he has the backing of the people.

“I am ready to run, but the question is are you ready to support me when I run?”

He said Kaya Natin Movement is searching for reform or alternative candidates committed toward good governance, ethical leadership, and responsible citizenship. – Evelyn Macairan


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