BFAD looking into Hong Kong report on Red Bull

MANILA, Philippines – The Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) is investigating reports that some cans of the energy drink Red Bull have yielded traces of cocaine in Hong Kong.

BFAD deputy director Emil Polig said inspectors had been dispatched to randomly collect Red Bull products from the market and test them for cocaine.

Polig said they began coordinating with the distributors of Red Bull in the Philippines to determine where the products being sold in the country come from.

“We want to know if the source of the products being sold in Hong Kong is the same (as those in the Philippines). Investigation is now going on,” he said in an interview.

BFAD has not ordered a recall of Red Bull pending the results of the investigation.

“But we advise the public to observe precautionary measures. It is better if they can refrain (from taking the products), while we have not come out with the results of the investigation,” Polig said.

Reports showed that Hong Kong authorities have found some 0.1 and 0.3 micrograms of the illegal drug in the energy drink. 

Before this, the Taiwan government had confiscated some 18,000 cases of Red Bull also for cocaine content.

Officials of Energy Food and Drinks Inc., local distributor of Red Bull, said they were surprised by the news about the cocaine content of the product.

They refused to comment on the issue as they were awaiting an official statement from the TC Pharmaceutical Industries Co. Ltd., manufacturer of Red Bull Supreme Energy, in Bangkok, Thailand.

Gary Lauron, counsel for EPD, said “the safety of the consuming public, being EPD’s paramount concern, we will abide by whatever action the BFAD and other proper government agency may take on the issue.” – Sheila Crisostomo     

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