AFP vows thorough Balikatan probe

MANILA, Philippines – The military leadership has vowed to undertake a thorough investigation into allegations of misuse of P46 million of the funds for the 2007 RP-US Balikatan exercises.

“We are now conducting a bigger and a deeper investigation into the allegations that were brought up by Lt. Senior Grade Nancy Gadian,” Armed Forces spokesman Lt. Col. Romeo Brawner Jr. said, adding that the move was in response to the directive of President Arroyo.

AFP chief Gen. Victor Ibrado ordered Inspector General Rear Admiral Emilio Marayag and Maj. Gen. Arthur Mancenido, head of the AFP’s Internal Audit, to invite for questioning key military personalities involved in the 2007 Balikatan Exercise.

This was confirmed by Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro.

“The AFP internal auditor is now looking into the matter. I want a deeper investigation into the allegation of Philippine Navy Lt. Senior Grade Nancy Gadian,” Teodoro said in Davao City where he was to address the 17th national congress of the National Movement of Young Legislators.

“I do not want to come up with any statement yet unless I have basis for whatever I say and it would be based on the result of the investigation,” said Teodoro.

“The proper proceedings would be held against those who would be found guilty of any involvement in the fund mess should it be proven that there really was one,” Teodoro said.

The AFP leadership is urging Gadian to come forward and substantiate her allegations to ensure a speedier probe.

“We will summon all those involved. We will also invite those who have retired to shed light on what really happened,” Brawner said.

Among those who would be invited for questioning were the planners of the 2007 Balikatan joint exercises as well as former Western Mindanao Command (Wesmincom) chief, retired Gen. Eugenio Cedo, who had been implicated by Gadian in the alleged anomaly.

He said erring officials and personnel would be dealt with accordingly. 

“For the retired officers, we could not file administrative charges against them because they’re no longer in the service. But if anyone is found guilty there are other avenues like the civil courts,” Brawner said.

Gadian, meanwhile, promised to come out in the open in due time. She is under investigation for insubordination and for lavish spending by the Navy’s Efficiency and Separation Board or ESB.

The military declared Gadian absent without leave after she failed to report to her unit after her leave lapsed last April.

Brawner clarified the charges against Gardian have nothing to do with the alleged funds misuse but for breach of military discipline and for her continued refusal to face the ESB.

Of the 12 ESB hearings on her case, Gadian attended only six, Brawner said.

The AFP’s internal audit has already cleared Gadian of any anomaly involving P2.3 million released to her for the Balikatan exercises. But she reportedly has an unaccounted P2,500 in hotel expenses.

Navy spokesman Lt. Col. Edgard Arevalo, meanwhile, said Gadian should report to her superiors because she is still considered in active military service.

“She must return to military control because she is still an active member of the military,” Arevalo said.

He said there is an apprehension order on Gadian but stressed she is not being treated as criminal.                                       

“There is no manhunt for her because she hasn’t committed any crime to justify such action,” he said in Filipino. He said it’s standard operating procedure for the military to search for its missing personnel.

DOJ backs probe

Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez said he strongly supports an investigation into the alleged irregularity, as ordered by the Palace.

In an interview with reporters, he said there is a need to resolve the issue quickly so as to prevent speculation from the public.

“They should investigate that. It’s the only way the government can clear itself,” he stressed.

Gonzalez explained that allowing the allegation to go unresolved would make the public accept it even if it has no basis.

He said his office would be willing to assist in the investigation. - With Edu Punay, Edith Regalado

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