Kansas governor near top of Obama's list for health post - official

WASHINGTON – Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius was near the top of President Barack Obama’s list of candidates to head the Health and Human Services Department, a senior administration official said Saturday.

The source, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss private administration deliberations, said no decision was imminent and that other candidates remain in the mix. But the official added the former Kansas insurance commissioner was rising as Obama considers prospective candidates, in no small part on the strength of her close relationship with the president.

Sebelius would be Obama’s second choice for the slot. Former Sen. Tom Daschle had to withdraw his name amid an admission he had not paid taxes on a car and driver since leaving Congress as a Democratic leader.

White House spokesman Reid Cherlin on Saturday said no decision had been made.

Sebelius was an early Obama supporter, picking his presidential campaign over that of Hillary Rodham Clinton, now the secretary of state. Sebelius worked tirelessly for Obama’s bid and was a top surrogate to women’s groups.– AP

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