18 more bodies retrieved from sunken ferry

MANILA, Philippines – Divers retrieved yesterday 18 more bodies from the sunken M/V Princess of the Stars, bringing to 140 the total number recovered.

Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) commandant Vice Admiral Wilfredo Tamayo voiced the possibility that more bodies would be found once they start with phase 3 operations, or the removal of the ship from the sea.

“At this stage, bodies are difficult to reach,” Tamayo said, adding that they were already in the phase of removing the wreck from Sibuyan Sea.

Divers had already searched through the economy section or Deck C and were finishing the cabin section or Deck B that accommodated the crew.

Tamayo said that even if they were nearing the final phase of the operations, they would still study the possibility of continuing the extraction of the bodies from the ship.

He added that salvaging firm Harbor Star has so far not experienced technical difficulties that might prevent them from thoroughly searching the ship. – Evelyn Macairan


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