CA may bypass Teves again for revenue shortfall

MANILA, Philippines – Finance Secretary Margarito Teves might again be bypassed by the Commission on Appointments (CA), a lawmaker said yesterday.

Rep. Joel Villanueva of the Citizen’s Battle Against Corruption said the downtrend in the Bureau of Internal Revenue’s (BIR) performance will be discussed when the CA deliberates the ad-interim appointment of Teves after Congress resumes session tomorrow.

“Teves must first explain how the BIR incurred an unprecedented P53.7-billion shortfall in revenue collection last year,” he said.

“And now, it continues to incur shortfalls in the first quarter collection. We are seeing revenue losses unparalleled in local financial history,” he added.

It has been almost three years since Teves was appointed to the finance department.

His confirmation was first derailed when his father, former congressman Herminio Teves, accused CA members of extortion.

Quezon Rep. Danilo Suarez earlier disclosed that 35 BIR revenue collection officers might be terminated due to collection shortfalls last year.

He heads the House committee on oversight that supervises the implementation of the Attrition Law.

Villanueva said all BIR officials, particularly Commissioner Lilian Hefti, must face the full force of the Attrition Law.

“All BIR officials, including Hefti, must face the consequences of their failure to collect the target taxes,” he said. – Delon Porcalla

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