Japanese kills Pinay wife and baby

A 33-year-old Filipina and her seven-month old baby were killed by her Japanese husband in Tokyo last Monday, an embassy report said.

Philippine Consul General Sulpicio Confiado  of the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo relayed to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) that the Filipina victim and her baby boy were murdered last March 18 in Higashi Kurume City, Tokyo.

DFA spokesman Claro Cristobal said Confiado also reported that the 43-year-old husband surrendered to police on Thursday morning.

“He confessed that he killed his wife and child because he was worried about an outstanding loan. He said he also intended to kill himself but could not do so,” Cristobal said.

Police investigation is still ongoing as the fatalities are yet to be autopsied.

Cristobal said the embassy is closely monitoring the case.

He likewise said that they will extend assistance to the victim’s family.

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