Public participation sought in search for next Comelec chief

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has sought “public” participation in the selection of the next chairman of the poll body to ensure that the next poll chief would be competent and impartial.

Comelec Commissioner Rene Sarmiento said the screening committee recently created by President Arroyo should undertake a participatory and transparent process of selection.

“Without departing from the long-observed constitutional practice of the President appointing the chair and the commissioners, the process can be made transparent and participative,” Sarmiento pointed out.

The President’s search committee can make participative screening by urging all sectors to join and submit their nominees for the vacancies in the poll body.

“The search committee can publicly announce in print and broadcast that nominations coming from various sectors are open and can be submitted to it,” he said.

After the submission of names, Sarmiento said, the search committee should publish in daily newspapers the list of nominees for comment and reactions.

According to Sarmiento the printing of names is also the process done for nominees to the judiciary and the same process followed for appointments to the 1986 Constitutional Commission.

“From the list and from the commentaries, the President can make her appointments,” Sarmiento said.

He added that if the appointments by the President are objectionable, the public could still express their sentiments by participating in the Commission on Appointments deliberations.

Article IX Section 1 (par.1) of the Constitution states that all appointees to the Comelec must be natural born Filipino citizen, at least 35 years of age at the time of appointment, not a candidate for any elective position in the immediately preceding polls and a lawyer who practiced the profession for at least 10 years.

But in selecting the next Comelec chief, Sarmiento said the President must also consider the need for the poll body to maintain an honest and independent body.

“An honest and independent Comelec, with no master but the Constitution and the law is beyond question in building the solid edifice of constitutional democracy and strengthening the people’s trust in government,” Sarmiento said.

He added that the President should choose men and women with integrity, independence and impartiality for the remaining three vacancies in the Comelec.

“The President will have a living and lasting legacy to the people and to the Republic if she makes good appointments to the Comelec,” Sarmiento said.

By February 2008, there will be three vacancies, including that of chairman, which was vacated by former Comelec chief Benjamin Abalos after he resigned due to the ZTE scandal.

Commissioner Resurreccion Borra is serving as acting poll chief but he will be retiring in February along with Commissioner Florentino Tuason.

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