‘Unity ticket has people’s support’

Presidential chief of staff Michael Defensor said yesterday many sectors have expressed support for the "grand unity ticket" being formed by the administration for the May 14 polls.

"With the feedback I’ve been getting from ordinary people, friends, local officials and even business leaders, they are supportive of the grand unity ticket not only because of the people who would comprise it but because it is a means toward letting go of our hang-ups about the past and focus on the future," Defensor said.

The moves to form a unity ticket got a boost from Nationalist People’s Coalition (NPC) chairman Faustino Dy Jr. who appealed to all political leaders to set aside their prejudices and unite for the sake of the country.

The NPC was founded by businessman Eduardo "Danding" Cojuangco in 1992. Once an opposition party, it has allied itself with the majority coalition with the ruling Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats (Lakas) led by Speaker Jose De Venecia Jr. at the House of Representatives.

Talk about the unity ticket being formed was triggered by the resignation of former senators Vicente "Tito" Sotto III and Tessie Aquino-Oreta from the mainstream Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP) and their moving over to the NPC.

Defensor earlier revealed "a significant step" being undertaken by the administration with the possible inclusion of Sotto and Oreta and former First Lady Imelda Marcos in its senatorial ticket.

With these developments, Defensor said the Arroyo administration could end up fielding a grand unity ticket in the May senatorial elections that would include personalities identified with different political eras.

Defensor stressed the unity ticket would finally allow the nation to move on.

De Venecia, for his part, also revealed the administration’s efforts at building the grand unity ticket, which he said would include reelectionists, former senators and young candidates.

"Let me emphasize that I’ve been saying all along that we need a unity ticket, that we need a government of unity," De Venecia said.

He predicted the administration would achieve a landslide victory at the Senate with its unity ticket.

"It will be 10-2 in favor of the administration," he said.

Defensor, on the other hand, claimed all indications point to either Oreta, Sotto, or both, probably being included in the administration’s senatorial slate.

He earlier disclosed attempts to include Mrs. Marcos in the administration’s senatorial lineup to represent the Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (KBL), part of the majority coalition in the House of Representatives.

Defensor, who is also running for the Senate, however, clarified that Mrs. Marcos was the one who made the initiative to be included in the administration senatorial slate.

He said her intentions would still have to be reviewed by Malacañang and members of the ruling coalition.

So far, other possible names in the administration senatorial lineup include Tarlac Rep. Gilbert Teodoro, Bukidnon Rep. Juan Miguel Zubiri, Surigao del Sur Rep. Prospero Pichay, Ilocos Sur Gov. Luis "Chavit" Singson, reelectionist Senators Ralph Recto and Joker Arroyo, Zambales Gov. Vicente Magsaysay, Lanao del Norte Gov. Imelda Dimaporo, and Optical Media Board head Edu Manzano.

Dy, for his part, denied reports that he "brokered" the inclusion of Sotto and Oreta in the administration slate.

He said his efforts to push national unity have long been a personal crusade.

"I am personally aiming to form a unity ticket, a lineup of the most intelligent, committed, patriotic and country-loving Filipinos who will do nothing but serve the people in the most genuine and honest manner," he said.

Dy stressed he does not take into consideration the political affiliations of the candidates.

"All I take into consideration is their aptitude to perform, their willingness to sacrifice for the country and their integrity in service," he said.

On the other hand, local officials allied with the administration, including the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP), urged President Arroyo to reconsider moves to include Sotto and Oreta in the administration lineup.

Officials stressed the President must place a premium on loyalty in picking the candidates.

Pichay earlier said he and other Lakas leaders would oppose the inclusion of the two former opposition senators in the administration slate.

"It would be unfair to those who stuck it out with this administration through thick and thin," he said.

Pichay warned against including Sotto and Oreta in the administration lineup, branding the two opposition leaders as "Trojan horses."

Eastern Samar Gov. Ben Evardone of ULAP also warned against rushing into including the two opposition figures in the senatorial ticket for the sake of unity.

He said the mere inclusion of Sotto and Oreta who have been calling for Mrs. Arroyo’s ouster in almost every manner possible would not guarantee any unity.

"We are for unity but this should be based on issues and principles and not on personalities," Evardone said.

"Many of these opposition people have spread lies, false stories and even plotted and suddenly they will ride on the administration’s machinery. Who will benefit? Them. Because they could land in the Senate because of the administration," he said.

Now that the United Opposition is disintegrating, Evardone said many opposition leaders are approaching the administration.

"We must place a premium on loyalty. Where were they when the President’s ratings were down and she faced several nearly violent destabilization plots that included armed groups?" Evardone asked.

He said Malacañang must learn its lessons in the 2004 elections when it supported senatorial candidates who won with the administration’s support but later on called for Mrs. Arroyo’s ouster. - With Eva Visperas

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