277 plebes accepted into PMA cadet corps

FORT DEL PILAR, Baguio City - The Philippine Military Academy officially accepted 277 plebes or freshmen cadets, including 36 females, after recognition rites yesterday.

The 277 cadets, who began their cadet training last April 1, comprised the Masidlak Class of 2010, PMA spokesman Air Force Capt. Dennis Solomon said.

"Masidlak’’ stands for Madirigmang Sibol ng Dakilang Lahing Kayumanggi.

Last Friday, upperclassmen subjected the plebes to a test of physical and mental endurance in front of their parents at Borromeo Field.

Solomon said the "pre-recognition tradition" was not hazing but a test of the cadets’ "presence of mind in the midst of pressure from their upperclassmen."

The activities consisted of log rolls, jumping jacks, military crawls, tiger jumps, sit-ups and exercises testing both physical and mental alertness.

The cadets were also made to answer questions from the upperclassmen "to temper their focus in the midst of physical adversity."

The plebes started their day yesterday by opening their barracks to their parents, some of whom came all the way from Cagayan de Oro, Cotabato, Zamboanga and Cebu.

At the Borromeo Field, considered as PMA’s most hallowed ground, upperclassmen shook the hands of plebes to mark the latter’s official entry into the cadet corps of the Armed Forces.

Solomon said after the ceremonies, the cadets were allowed to leave Fort del Pilar for brief private moments with their parents and relatives. It was the first time they left the premises in many months.

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