GAWAD KALINGA COMMUNITIES: The rich, the poor and their reunion

It is undeniable that there is a blatant social divide between rich and poor in Philippine society. So blatant that once, a TV sitcom titled "Ober da Bakod" subliminally had a say on this issue as it featured two families — one rich, the other poor — that were literally separated by a wall and tried to outdo one another despite their status in life.

With the chasm between the rich and poor continuously growing as the pressing concerns of life mushroom, it would be safe to assume that the wall between the two social classes will not crumble any time soon.

Or will it?

In 2004, a seemingly crazy idea of bringing together those who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths and those who have mastered eating with their hands in one village was conceptualized by a man named Rudy Libis. After two years, the concept was proven not to be crazy at all — it was rather revolutionary.

Libis, an engineer by profession and a long-time agri-entrepreneur by choice, saw a bright opportunity of development in the union of the upper and lower crusts, particularly, benefactors and beneficiaries. Hence, his initiation of the Gawad Kalinga (GK) Reunion Village in Batangas.

GK is an alternative solution to the country’s poverty problem. It gives an approach which is integrated, holistic, and sustainable; concrete action plans anchored on the best of the Filipino are worked out aiming for progress.

As it is in all GK communities, the GK Reunion Village is a joint effort of benefactors and beneficiaries to build a village where life rings harmonious. In GK Reunion, however, the benefactors can live in the village, too.

Topping the features of this unique initiative is its innate entrepreneurial spirit, which is expected to go a long way. GK Reunion is geared to span basic livelihood like crop propagation, animal farming, and building infrastructures, which are all taking place in the village, to greater heights of setting up houses for buyers to provide housekeeping and establishing restaurants and other facilities.

Further, beneficiaries are expected to have permanent jobs while the benefactors can enjoy the facilities and, at some point, even gain profit.

Having instilled the advocacy on entrepreneurship in its heart, GK Reunion will be awarded as one of the inspiring GK entrepreneurial communities by the Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship (PCE) during GK’s global expo slated Oct. 6-8 in SM Mall of Asia. PCE is a non-stock and non-profit organization that promotes entrepreneurship nationwide and was founded by Presidential Consultant for Entrepreneurship Jose Concepcion III.

A passionate enthusiast of the entrepreneurial field, Concepcion kept a clear sight of the growth of entrepreneurial possibilities in GK Reunion, and was consequently prodded to give recognition to the village. According to him, it is in successful efforts such as GK Reunion that the campaign for entrepreneur materializes.

Currently, GK caretaker teams are managing well the developments, at the same time teaching values, skills, and technology to the beneficiaries to prep them to eventually manage everything. With this, Libis confirmed that he is positive that ten years from now, if jobs are laid down properly, there would be no more poor in the Philippines.

The target completion of this project is in 2008. Other programs are in the works such as the processing of plants for the crops, production of feeds, virgin coconut oil, and coco-diesel. Also, the GK Reunion Village is eyeing to establish a multipurpose cooperative, which is anticipated to own the whole development, to earn extra profit in the future. Lot buyers and their partner beneficiaries will be the members of the cooperative.

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