Military: Reds might infiltrate parties

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), in an apparent bid to justify the recent warrantless arrests of five supporters of ousted President Joseph Estrada, warned political parties to be wary of communist infiltration schemes.

In a statement, the AFP said since Ruben Dionisio — who it had reported to be a New People’s Army (NPA) hit man — was arrested along with four members of the Union of Masses for Democracy and Justice (UMDJ), this should be cause of concern for all political parties.

"The fact that Mr. Dionisio was arrested by government agents meeting UMDJ members shows that the (Communist Party of the Philippines or) CPP is infiltrating legal and political organizations in pursuit of its devious objectives," the AFP said.

The AFP said politicians have criticized the military for the controversial arrest of the five UMDJ members last May 22, and NPA spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal has joined the discussion in the hope of delivering a telling blow.

The AFP maintained that its real target was Dionisio, who was tasked to assassinate government officials, including President Arroyo.

"The arrest of the four other UMDJ members, who at that time were in a discussion with the subject, was circumstantial. They were not arrested for being the supporters of the former President, but because of the fact that they are in a meeting with a person committing rebellion," the AFP said.

Along with Dionisio, the AFP arrested UMDJ chairman Virgilio Eustaquio, Dennis Ibona, Police Officer 3 Jose Curameng, and Jim Cabauatan.

These four men later claimed they were tortured to force them into admission that they were part of an urban NPA hit squad out to conduct assassinations of high-profile government targets.

Citing the supposed confessions made by two ranking CPP-NPA officers now under their custody — one of them being Arnel Alonzo, alias "Boy Negro" — the AFP insisted that Dionisio and his group were out conducting liquidation operations in Metro Manila.

"We all know the intent of the (CPP) is to overthrow the government and establish a dictatorial communist regime," the AFP said.

The military said the only way communists "can attain this objective is to foment a state of terror and chaos, to destabilize the political situation, discredit the military and agitate the people."

The AFP also claimed that Dionisio inflicted harm on himself to pin the blame on the military.

However, many people believe that the AFP indeed tortured their five captives because the Intelligence Service of the AFP (ISAFP) initially refused to admit that its agents conducted the raid and made the arrests.

AFP chief Gen. Generoso Senga has ordered an investigation into the five UMDJ members’ allegations.

Senga tasked ISAFP chief Commodore (Brig. Gen.) Leonardo Calderon, whose unit was behind the arrests, to head the probe.

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