Malacañang looking for deputy spokesman

Malacañang is looking for a deputy spokesman for President Arroyo, Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye disclosed yesterday.

He said he needs a deputy as part of his plans to organize a Presidential Communications Group that he will head as the Palace’s "media czar."

A number of people were recommended, Bunye said, but he refused to reveal them.

"We’re evaluating them and we’ll just make the announcement once the President reaches a decision," he said.

Mrs. Arroyo has yet to issue an executive order creating the Presidential Communications Group but "we are already functioning in accordance with directives."

"We are looking for support staff to augment our group," Bunye said.

Bunye will be the overall head of Palace communications after the Office of the Communications Director, which was headed by Silvestre Afable, was abolished.

Bunye said his new position would not give him extra powers because the group is under the Office of the Press Secretary.

Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita earlier said Malacañang has to improve efforts to inform the public about its programs and address issues concerning the Arroyo administration such as the political crisis, fuel prices and Mrs. Arroyo’s initiative to amend the Constitution and change the country’s form of government. Aurea Calica

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