RP students fare poorly in international exam

Filipino students performed dismally compared with students in other countries in the latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) revealed yesterday.

The DOST reported that Filipinos placed 41st and 42nd in the mathematics and science examinations taken by high school students in 45 countries in 2003.

"Worst, the performance of elementary students in both mathematics and sciences ranks 23rd from among the 25 participating countries," the DOST said.

A project of the Amsterdam-based International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, the TIMSS was designed to help countries improve their mathematics and science education.

The study provides information about participants’ progress or decline in achievement through examinations given every four years since 1995.

The TIMSS revealed that only seven of the Philippines’ 15 regions showed improved skills and competencies in mathematics while six regions improved in science education.

"Regretfully, the same report reflects that students from Regions 2, 8, 9, 10 and 11 did not show any improvements as far as the international mathematics and science benchmarks are concerned," the DOST said.

The DOST noted that "language barriers (and) comprehension, teacher qualification, class size, instructional materials (and) equipment, school resources and computer use" are the "what-else-is-new problems" cited in the TIMSS results.

To address the poor showing of Filipino students, the DOST’s National Research Council of the Philippines set up workshops for elementary and high school teachers, teacher trainers and administrators to enhance science and technology teaching in each region.

The council chose Eastern and Northern Samar to be the first beneficiaries of the program.

The workshop will be held at the Farmer’s Training Center at the University of Eastern Philippines in Northern Samar today and tomorrow. Another workshop will be conducted on Sept. 19 and 20 at the Eastern Samar State University’s multi-purpose center in Borongan, Leyte.

The DOST added that experts from the Philippine Science High School system, University of the Philippines, Leyte State University and scientists from the council will serve as trainers in the workshop.

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