Con-con EO out this week

An executive order is now up for signing by President Arroyo possibly within the week, creating the Citizens’ Consultative Constitutional Commission (con-con) that would assist Congress in drafting proposed amendments to the Constitution, officials said.

Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita said the draft executive order is now on the President’s desk, awaiting her orders for possible revisions.

"The draft, I believe, is already with the President. It could come out any time soon," Ermita said.

Ermita disclosed the proposed EO contained the criteria and the composition of the members of the constitutional commission.

He said Defense Secretary Avelino Cruz and Interior Secretary Angelo Reyes told him last week that the draft EO is already up for signing.

Cruz and Reyes were appointed by Mrs. Arroyo last month to spearhead initiatives of tapping the private sector to come up with the proposed amendments to the 1987 Constitution to pave the way for the federal-parliamentary system of government.

The President earlier declared she would secure consultations with concerned sectors and civil society groups to assist Congress in proposing amendments to the Constitution.

In her State of the Nation Address last month, Mrs. Arroyo called on Congress to convene itself into a constituent assembly to introduce the necessary changes in the basic law to pave the way for a federal parliamentary system.

The President expressed her preference for the constituent assembly as the faster mode of effecting political reforms.

Presidential Adviser for Political Affairs Gabriel Claudio claimed he had seen the draft last week but could not say whether the final copy of the EO would be the same.

Claudio explained though the proposed commission would be composed of anywhere between 30 to 50 members, all representing various stakeholders and sectors.

"Based on the draft, concerned sectors would be represented in the body, including business, farmers, academe, student and labor," Claudio said.

Ermita and Claudio however denied Mrs. Arroyo was dragging her feet on Charter change initiatives.

Both officials reacted to the observations made by former President Fidel Ramos that Mrs. Arroyo has been maximizing her stay in office up to 2010 by stalling initiatives to amend the Constitution.

"The President really wants this (shift to a parliamentary system) to push through as soon as possible," Ermita said.

For his part, Claudio claimed even Congress leaders have been badgering Malacañang to create the consultative commission to enable them to fast-track constitutional amendments at their end.

"While the House is busy with the impeachment process, the commission would be gathering consensus and come up with its recommendation to Congress," Claudio said. — Paolo Romero

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