Book publisher issues correction booklets

Phoenix Publishing House Inc., the publisher of two sets of allegedly defective school textbooks, gave assurances to the public yesterday that correction booklets are now in the process of being distributed nationwide.

Phoenix was reacting to an article published in The STAR yesterday charging that two of its releases — "Harnessing English Arts Today" and "Simply Science in the Next Century" — were packed with errors based on an analysis submitted to The STAR by Antonio Calipjo Go, academic supervisor of Marian School of Quezon City.

"Phoenix Publishing House Inc. is now working on recommendations made by evaluators and reviewers and have taken note of the items that have to be improved," Ma. Erlinda Sibal, Phoenix Publishing House president, said in a letter to The STAR.

Sibal noted that so far they have not received any adverse comments from the over 200 schools currently using the books.

To set the record straight, she said the two textbook series were voluntarily submitted for evaluation last February to the National Book Development Board (NDBD), the government agency responsible for evaluating textbooks used in private schools.

Sibal said that three English experts from the Ateneo Department of English reviewed "Harnessing English Arts Today" while "Simply Science in the Next Century" was evaluated by the National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (NISMED) of the University of the Philippines.

"The textbook is generally commendable. Careful planning and thorough research were evident in the manner that the lessons were presented by the author. The selections used are of varied genres and are suitable to the level of the students. They are informative, entertaining and value-laden. There are some texts, though, that are too long. Discussion of the text and comprehension check are thorough," Sibal said in quoting parts of the reviewers’ general assessment of "Harnessing English Arts Today."

She also disclosed that reviewers had cited the need for improvement in "giving users more specific and simplified directions."

"Giving examples especially for the more complex exercises or activities will be most helpful. Going over the exercises and items for consistency will make the textbook more user-friendly," the reviewers added.

In his comments sent to The STAR, Go noted that the title of the series "Simply Science in the Next Century" was grammatically incorrect as the word ‘simply,’ used as an adverb, may not modify the word ‘science,’ which is a noun.

Sibal, however, argued that the textbook reviewers had no comment on the use of the word ‘simply’ in the title.

"NISMED’s evaluation is that the language level of the Grade 3 book is for a higher level," Sibal stressed.

Moreover, she pointed out that the evaluation of the Ateneo teachers did not have any comments on the topics on STDs (sexually-transmitted diseases) and fossils.

Go had pointed out in his critique on the science textbook that a health entry in a Grade 5 book advised pupils to "have regular check-ups for STDs" and that the word "mummification" was defined as "a drying process that form fossils."

Phoenix Publishing has over 180 titles on the market. Among its popular titles are "Phoenix Learning Package," "English Communication Arts and Skills" and "You Are the Natural World."

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