While it is healthy and essential that people experience challenges within their working lives, it is also important to realize that if this pressure becomes excessive it loses its beneficial effect and becomes harmful. This is particularly the case in the media industry where people are always trying to beat rigid deadlines.
With this in mind, Pfizer developed the "workplace wellness program."
The program aims to promote the general health and well-being of the working populace. It has been implemented in private corporations, schools, government institutions and media organizations.
Organized by Pfizers disease management team, the workplace wellness program was recently conducted at the Philippine STAR offices. As part of the program, The STARs management and staff members availed of free medical examinations and consultations.
Among the free medical tests offered were body mass index, blood pressure, total cholesterol, blood sugar and ECG screening, as well as diagnostic tests and consultation on stress, erectile dysfunction, sleep disorders and depression.
"When stress is recognized and responded to appropriately, then and only then, will employees have a solid defense against claims for work-related stress," said Pfizer corporate affairs director Karen Villanueva.
The Workplace Wellness Program is part of Pfizers continuing efforts to battle various diseases and disseminate valuable health information to as many Filipinos as possible.