Romulo to take over DFA?

Executive Secretary Alberto Romulo is set to take over the Department of Foreign Affairs from Secretary Delia Albert, according to DFA sources.

The story has been circulating at the DFA for days. The sources said yesterday the announcement of Romulo’s appointment is expected within the next few days — perhaps as early as today.

President Arroyo had previously said announcements for Cabinet movements would be made only after the Commission on Appointments convenes.

Sources said Romulo had already scheduled a briefing with the DFA geographic offices on his first day, to be followed by one-on-one meetings with the undersecretaries.

Earlier reports indicated that Romulo had been eyeing the foreign affairs post.

Albert, who is attending meetings of the Non-Aligned Movement in Africa, will reportedly be assigned either to Paris, New York or Berlin as a political appointee.

It was explained that once a career diplomat is appointed secretary of foreign affairs, the individual automatically forfeits the status of career diplomat since the head of the foreign affairs department is a political appointee.

This was the case of former foreign secretary Domingo Siazon who lost his career diplomat status when he was appointed as head of the department during the Ramos and Estrada administrations. Siazon was later appointed ambassador to Japan.

Albert, a former foreign affairs undersecretary, was promoted to the DFA’s top post after the death of Secretary Blas Ople last Dec. 14 in Taiwan while en route from Japan to Bahrain. Marvin Sy

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