Militants see ‘inevitable’ GMA win, but...

Two militant party-list members of the House of Representatives admitted yesterday that President Arroyo is the inevitable winner in the congressional canvass, now beset with delays and bickering among the 22 members of the joint committee tabulating votes for president and vice president.

Sanlakas Rep. J.V. Bautista said there was "no doubt" that Mrs. Arroyo would win in the congressional count but warned that a "politically explosive situation" may arise since lawmakers from the opposition, particularly the Koalisyon ng Nagkakaisang Pilipino (KNP), have been thwarted from having precinct-level election returns scrutinized in the congressional canvass.

"All the elements, all the ingredients are there for a politically explosive situation to arise," he told a forum of the Manila Overseas Press Club at the Ristorante La Dolce Fontana in Greenhills, San Juan. "It can happen in the next two or three weeks."

Bautista agreed with the KNP that fraud marred the May 10 elections, but admitted that no one could ascertain if it had been massive "because they (the congressional canvassers) will not allow the opening of election returns.

Akbayan Rep. Loretta Rosales hit the congressional canvass, comparing its progress to that of a "snail" or "turtle" since more than a month had passed since the elections.

She disagreed with the opposition that there had been massive cheating but added that "if there is fraud, it seems it is hidden."

Echoing Bautista’s statement that Mrs. Arroyo will eventually win the presidential elections based on the results of the congressional canvass, Rosales advised the President to "distance the country from America and expand our foreign relations in Asia."

"She should also get serious in her vow to implement reforms in the government," she also said.

Meanwhile, two members of the joint canvassing committee branded as "unpatriotic" the opposition’s plan to stage a walkout during the tabulation to protest the alleged railroading by the administration camp. They pointed out that the opposition cannot allege that the canvass was railroaded because records of the proceedings will show most of the time had been devoted to the lengthy speeches and filibustering of the opposition.

"To walk out means the opposition is giving up an important duty for partisan interest. It is such an unpatriotic act as it would mean rebuffing a constitutional mandate in the face of poll defeat by their candidates," Cebu City Rep. Antonio Cuenco said.

Baguio City Rep. Mauricio Domogan said members of the joint committee will not be cowed by the prospect of a walkout since their main concern is to fulfill their mandate to tabulate the votes.

Domogan said he himself can attest to the canvass’ credibility and impartiality.

"We have yet to see the variance being claimed by the opposition between their election documents and the certificates of canvass we have tabulated on the basis of their authenticity and due execution," he said.

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