Braganza now Arroyo political adviser

Press Secretary Hernani Braganza has been named presidential adviser on political affairs, replacing Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats (Lakas-CMD) executive director Jose Rufino.

In an exclusive interview with The STAR yesterday, Braganza said he would give up his post as press secretary and assume the post of presidential adviser on political affairs. Rufino would be named presidential liaison on political affairs.

Reached by The STAR yesterday, Rufino said the President has not told him anything about giving up his post as presidential adviser on political affairs and said Mrs. Arroyo had told him to stay on at his post the last time they talked on Monday.

"So this (information) is something new to me. Until I hear from the President herself, I have to wait for her official word on this," he said. "If she indeed has decided on it and did that (appointed Braganza as political adviser), then I need to talk to her."

While Rufino confirmed he has been occupying the two posts, he said one cannot be separated from the other.

"Because if that is so, you cannot have two drivers drive the same car," he said.

"I don’t know where he (Braganza) got his information. But until you see a signed appointment paper, don’t believe him. It might have come from his imagination," Rufino said.

Braganza, however, told The STAR he has the signed transmittal letter of his new assignment, dated June 10, from Executive Secretary Alberto Romulo.

"He (Rufino) does not need to give up anything. We can be political advisers at the same time," he said. "I can work well with anybody despite policy differences or personal feuds with anyone. We’re all professionals here and our job is to serve the President."

Braganza added that "all of us serve at the pleasure of the President and she alone will say how and up to when we’re going to serve her."

He said that in fact, Mrs. Arroyo and their partymates in Lakas-CMD asked him as early as April this year, when he was on medical leave as press secretary, to help in resolving the party’s "election-related problems."

Braganza is Lakas-CMD deputy secretary general and vice president for youth, while Rufino is the executive director of the party’s national executive committee.

Rufino, at the time, was in the United States undergoing medical treatment for an undisclosed illness. Palace sources said he was undergoing treatment for liver cancer.

On the other hand, Braganza said he went on medical leave for minor "carotid" and diabetes problems.

"But my doctors told me I am better now and I could resume my work. I just needed a rest," he said.

The President, according to Braganza, has yet to name a new press secretary. He said he has not recommended anyone for the post.

"I hope the President would select one from the current press undersecretaries for purposes of continuity," Braganza said, referring to Milton Alingod, Carmen Suva, and Heracleo Nazareno.

Of the three undersecretaries, Alingod is reportedly the strongest candidate.

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