DOH warns vs leptospirosis

With the onset of the rainy season, the Department of Health (DOH) has warned people with open wounds not to wade in floodwaters to prevent getting infected with leptospirosis.

"We advise the public not to wade in flood if they have an open wound. If they can’t help it, they better wear mid-leg boots for their own protection," DOH epidemiologist Dr. Troy Gepte said.

Leptospirosis is one of the diseases that commonly surface during the rainy season. Its symptoms are fever, body and muscle pains.

Caused by floodwaters contaminated with the urine of rats, the disease can be fatal because it attacks the body’s vital organs like the liver and kidney.

Gepte said that there might be an increase in leptospirosis cases because of the massive flooding in many parts of the country due to heavy rains.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) reported yesterday that 14 barangays in Malabon were submerged in floodwaters.

The barangays included Dampalit, Potrero, Tinejeros, Longos, Maysilo, Galas, Sinulotan, Tonsuya, Tugatog, Panghulo, Baritan and Concepcion.

In Valenzuela City, the MacArthur Highway was not passable to light vehicles, creating traffic jams because of the vehicles that got stalled.

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