PCGA national convention on

Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary (PCGA) National Commander Vice Admiral Joselito C. Aseniero invites all members of PCGA to Boracay on October 17 to 20, 2002 for PCGA’s 18th National Convention.

The guest speakers of the four-day convention include some of the country’s most respected men and women like Senate President Franklin Drilon, Rep.Gabrielle Calizo, Transportation Secretary Leandro Mendoza, Aklan Governor Florencio Milaflores, and Philippine Coast Guard Commandant Vice Admiral Reuben S. Lista.

Through the convention, members will have time to listen to great ideas and share insights that will help significantly in the growth and development of PCGA.

At the helm of the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary are National Commander Vice Admiral Joselito C. Aseniero, PCGA; Deputy National Commander for Operations Rear Admiral Casimiro B. Juarez, Jr., PCGA; and Chief of Staff Commodore Oscar C. de Venecia, PCGA. They are assisted by Deputy for Administration Captain Carlos Rosales, PCGA; Vice Deputies for Operation Commo. Nestor Levanza, PCGA (Luzon); Commo. David Odilao, Jr., PCGA (Visayas); Commo. Marfinio Tan, PCGA (Mindanao); and Commo. Higinio Mendoza, PCGA (Palawan). Also providing support are Vice Deputy for Special Projects Commo. Ildefonso Tronquet, PCGA; Chief of Marine Safety Administration (MARSAD) Commo. Adonis Donato, PCGA; Chief of Marine Environmental Protection (MAREP) Commo. Benjamin Mata, PCGA; Chief of National Education and Training Commo. Oscar Orbeta, PCGA; and Air Operations Commander Commo. Nestor Levanza, PCGA.

The national convention in Boracay is expected to provide PCGA members the opportunity to relax, renew old ties, enjoy the benefits of being a member of the PCGA and at the same time take pride in the numerous accomplishments of the organization.

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