NAIA eyes security upgrade

The fatal shooting at a ticket counter of the Los Angeles International Airport has prompted local authorities to study a possible upgrade of security measures at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).

"Although we review security measures at NAIA on a periodical basis, the incident in Los Angeles last Thursday serves as a wake-up call for all of us here," Aviation Security Group (ASG) chief Marcelo Ele said.

Ele said he has issued new instructions to airport security personnel to strictly monitor all persons entering the terminal, including employees working inside the airport, to ensure a similar incident does not take place at the NAIA.

Last Thursday, an armed Egyptian national, identified as Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, opened fire in front of the Israeli state-owned airline El-Al, killing two people and wounding four before being shot dead by an airline security officer.

In the aftermath of the attack, the idea of tightening security in the public areas of airports has resurfaced.

Ele said all individuals, even those with regular access passes, will be subjected to a metal detector check and body search. Any person with a bladed weapon or a gun will immediately be placed under police custody for investigation.

"We cannot be complacent in the face of continued threats to bomb airports of countries supporting the US in the war on terror," the ASG chief said. "In fact, we are being advised regularly to be on the alert."

On other issues, Ele expressed apprehension over the proposal to include a mall inside the new Terminal 3, calling it a "security nightmare."

The ASG chief said he has brought up the matter with the management of the Philippine International Airport Terminal Corp. (PIATCO), which is developing the country’s new international terminal.

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