LRT, MRT readies coach for disabled, pregnant women

Disabled persons and pregnant women will soon be able to ride in special coaches of the Light Rail Transit and the Metro Rail Transit systems, the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) said yesterday.

DOTC Secretary Pantaleon Alvarez made the announcement following instructions from President Arroyo to ensure safety and comfort of disabled persons in public transport vehicles by providing them with special facilities.

The presidential order was issued following complaints from the physically disabled sector that most urban mass transportation systems have not adequately provided for their needs.

Alvarez said that although the LRT and MRT systems have stickers that say the elderly and the disabled should be given priority in seats, this has not been strictly enforced. Many PWDs (persons with disabilities) take jeepneys and buses instead.

The absence of special coaches in the megatrains was earlier deplored by the national commission for PWDs.

Alvarez said the megatrain will be designed to contain coaches specifically intended of the lame, the blind and other disabled persons, as well as pregnant women.

"The Light Rail Transit Authority is constructing facilities that can accommodate the handicapped and the blind commuters of the megatrain," the DOTC chief said.

According to Alvarez, based on Mrs. Arroyo’s instructions, the LRT and MRT stations "will have elevators to serve the disabled, the elderly and pregnant women."

Alvarez said he has already received a report from LRTA administrator Teddy Cruz Jr. that the PWD-friendly train coaches will be operational next year.

As an added feature, the elevators of the megatrain will have Braille engraving to allow the blind to read directions.

Similar features will be found inside the coaches.

For the visually impaired, they will also be guided "by tactile or tiles that have buttons."

A public address system will also be installed in all stations to provide instructions to the PWDs, especially the blind.

"Inside the coaches, there will be enough space for those on wheelchairs and there will likewise be seats for infants and pregnant mothers," the DOTC statement said.

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