Produce ransom proof, Ping dared

Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes dared yesterday Sen. Panfilo Lacson to present evidence to prove his allegations that government officials and military officers were involved in negotiating ransom for the release of several Abu Sayyaf hostages.

For his part, Presidential Spokesman Rigoberto Tig-lao said Lacson should be the one investigated for admitting he had gone on a secret trip to Malaysia last year to have the hostages released upon payment of ransom.

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Lacson said a witness will testify that ransom was paid for the release of the hostages when government troops laid siege to Abu Sayyaf gunmen holding out inside the Jose Torres Memorial Hospital in Lamitan Basilan on June 2 last year.

Lacson also accused Tiglao’s friends – George Baviera and Stef Sano – of being involved in negotiations for the alleged payment a P4.7- million ransom.

In a statement, Reyes said he strongly believes that no ransom was involved when the Abu Sayyaf freed real estate magnate Reghis Romero, businesswoman Angie Montealegre, and Rizza Santos.

"I am positive, I am certain, I’m convinced that there was no (ransom) payment," read a part of the statement. "If somebody will make accusations, they better prove it and prove it convincingly."

Reyes said he has asked the Senate and House committees on national defense to immediately release the result of the investigation on the alleged ransom payment, so the public will know the truth.

"I’m very anxious to find out the final results of the investigation," he said. "We are hoping that the investigation will soon be completed for the people to know the truth behind these allegations," read a part of the statement.

Tiglao said Lacson was "slandering the names of helpless ordinary citizens" like Baviera and Sano, who do not enjoy parliamentary immunity like the senator does.

"The Senate should ask him such questions as: ‘Who authorized him to undertake such talks with terrorists, and in what capacity?’" he said.

"‘Was it Malaysians, and exactly who, was a Philippine senator negotiating with? With his past, did he have a special expertise and experience in negotiating with kidnappers?" Tiglao asked.

He said Lacson was trying to "recycle garbage" that Baviera and Sano acted as "facilitators" for the payment of ransom for the freedom of a kidnap victim.

"I don’t know why Lacson is trying again to recycle this garbage which was rejected last year," he said. "I suspect he’s panicking for some reasons."

He is confident that the Commission on Appointments will not be swayed by Lacson’s allegations when he undergoes confirmation as press secretary, he added. Marichu Villanueva

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