Governor wants US troops in Basilan

ISABELA, Basilan — The governor of this strife-torn island province has no problem with the presence of US troops, which he believes could very well help the Philippine military finally end the Abu Sayyaf menace.

Gov. Wahab Akbar said the more than 400,000 people of his province have long been suffering from the threat posed by the small band of extremist rebels known for kidnapping foreigners and beheading residents.

"We love them to be here," Akbar said as he backed operations involving US soldiers.

However, he cautioned that visiting US forces may not have an easy time getting rid of the bandits in Basilan even with their increased numbers.

"It will be dangerous for the Americans if they commit errors," Akbar said.

Basilan, which has a land area of 135,900 square hectares, has been the haven of the Abu Sayyaf bandits responsible for kidnapping foreigners from nearby resort islands since last year.

The Abu Sayyaf currently hold captive American missionary couple Martin and Gracia Burnham and Filipina nurse Deborah Yap even as the Philippine military intensifies pursuit and rescue operations.

The bandits are believed holed up in central Sampinit, a forested mountain that straddles six towns and the capital of Isabela.

Akbar said the bandits had previously roamed the towns of Lamitan, Maluso and Isabela, but have been pushed farther away since he took over as governor in 1998 and allowed the military to launch a full offensive.

Basilan is dependent on the harvest of coconut, raw rubber and coffee, which are still not enough to sustain economic growth.

The province used to rely on fishing grounds before armed threats disrupted operations.

"That is why I want them (Abu Sayyaf) annihilated. They have put the island in a very bad light," Akbar said.

Meanwhile, the 500,000-strong United Muslim Democrats in the Philippines (UMDP) expressed full support for the ongoing RP-US Balikatan military exercises, but warned that civilian and American casualties could trigger a full-blown war in Mindanao.

UMDP spokesman Gulling Mamondong said US and Filipino troops should be extra-careful not to harm any civilians, especially since they will be using live ammunition in the exercises.

"The American soldiers should always remember that what makes them great is their ability to protect civilians during war time," Mamondong said during a press briefing at the UMDP headquarters in Pasig City. With Perseus Echeminada

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